Beth's Story

"I Joined Entrepreneurial Space at the start of 2022 after doing the Energetics of Growth with Caroline that January.  It has been a MAGICAL year….over the last year Caroline has helped me shift my energy and I feel like I’ve really begun to reharness my power and uplevel myself and my business after a few years of feeling stagnant. 

I’ve had an exciting year of growth in my business. 

I stepped out of my comfort zone with numerous things like overcoming my fear of being filmed and working with a film maker to produce promo material for my retreats and events. I've called in larger groups, filled larger retreat sizes and felt comfortable holding that space, more retreats, and greater abundance this year. 

I have also had the best year in my business financially and on all levels.

Excited to continue working with Caroline this year and see what unfolds  -  she is the real deal!"

Caroline Britton