Your environment and holding on to things...
Our physical environment can be so telling in showing us what we are holding on to, emotionally and energetically, as well as physically.
Some questions to consider today:
⭐ Are you holding on to things because you feel you should? In other words how many things do you do in your life because you think you should? Where are shoulds running the show?
⭐ Are there items you know it is time to let go of but are stalling in doing so? Can you then look at where a sense of obligation and guilt is currently binding you in other areas?
⭐ Are there things that don't make you happy but you feel you should hold on to them just incase? Can you see this pattern playing out in other areas of your life?
⭐ Are there things that actively drop your vibration but you choose to hold on to them anyway? Why? What is that teaching you about how you approach other areas of your life?
I want you to take a moment to look at the environment around you, the jewellery you wear, the art or pictures on your wall, the clothes you are wearing, your desk, office, bedroom, hallway - all of it.
Knowing that everything is energy ask yourself this....
What energy are you currently inviting in with the things you have, are holding on to, or are refusing to let go of?
What do you want to show The Universe you are serious about letting go of by releasing it in your physical environment today?
I am not sure who I wrote this post for today but if it is you let me know.
It came through for someone!