When did you forget...
When did you start forgetting?
Forgetting how powerful you are.
How capable you are.
How magical you are.
How you are made up of the very same life force as the stars and the moon.
When did you decide to settle just a little bit more?
To be a little less?
To ask a little more quietly.
When did you decide you take up too much at the table?
That it's crumbs you get to be deserving of.
When did you decide that you get what you get.
That it is right to settle for less than you desire.
When did you decide that desiring more meant you weren't grateful?
When did you decide that your head gets to rule your heart.
That you must settle for relationships, love, work that feel less than.
When did you decide you were less than?
Less than the Universe. Less than love. Less than deserving.
It is your time to say no more.
No more less than.
To stop the settling
the forgetting
the abandonment
of all that you are and all that you can be.