What I learnt from yesterday

Yesterday was a bit of a day.

In fact it was extraordinary. A day of such contrasts - a highly stressful morning and two miracles dropping in late afternoon. A day of feeling totally in fear and out of my power to teaching from one of the most magnetic states I have ever felt.

As those who attended my Masterclass will know, I had spent most of my morning crying and stressing.

A few things went wrong, I was asked to take another huge leap of faith as I went all in on two enormous investments, I had some difficulty in accessing trust in these moments. The Universe also bought me some big tests with accessing money and my power.

Whilst all this was happening and everything felt like it was going wrong, the number of signs up to my Masterclass nearly doubled. It was the strangest thing, the more stressed I felt, the more the numbers grew.

The last thing I felt like doing in the afternoon was teaching a large group.

Then I remembered, people who want to be in my world, are not here for my perfection.

They are here for my growth. My truth. My honesty. To truly see me.

To be inspired by the energy I embody, the power I hold and the way I lead myself at all times. Not just when it’s good.

As I went deeper into myself yesterday, I got the message, this is the opportunity for you to model even deeper trust.

No coincidence as I taught on navigating change and growth yesterday.

For those of you struggling, scared, unsure, in self doubt, use this time to go deeper into yourself (I mediated three times yesterday).

Ask what you need to learn and notice, then integrate it all. Observe the lessons and what you are being shown. Marvel at your resiliency and capability. Give yourself permission to be enough.

Today I woke up feeling more activated, open, vulnerable and grounded then I have in a long time.

Soft, graceful power.

Embodying the Leadership I want to see in the world.

Caroline Britton