What a conversation with a man who went from homeless to a company valued at 4 million taught me...

As many of you may know last week I randomly sat next to a man in a coffee shop who told me that he had gone from homeless and sleeping in his car to having a company now valued at 4 million and growing fast.

These are the key things I learnt from our conversation:

⭐ He never let his current reality define him or dictate what was to come
⭐ He remained resolutely focused on taking powerful action each day and trusting it would come together
⭐ He believed in the power of this mission and was deeply connected to a great sense of purpose
⭐ He held the faith and showed up for it daily
⭐ He did not create a story around what being homeless meant for his potential
⭐ He is totally committed to his bigger vision, it felt like he knew he was just cracking the surface

To hear me talk about this in more detail click below to watch the video.

Caroline Britton