Want to take your intuitive gifts to the next level then try this...
Want to take your intuitive gifts to the next level then try this.
1. Take time out and go really quiet. Distractions off. Ask a question you want guidance on and be open to how the answer comes. Trust any words, images or actions you are shown.
2. Try automatic writing. Pose a question to your spirit team and then drop into a calm state and let the pen take over. I like to look out the window and let my hand write. When you read it back it's incredible.
3. Learn your unique language of communication with The Universe. Ask for specific signs like send me a golden eagle if the answer is yes to this. When you get the sign say thank you and believe it.
4. Pay closer attention everyday. You will get signs ALL the time when you become aware. What is playing on the radio, on the side of a van, spoken to you through the mouth of others. What is it telling you?
5. Become aware of universal agents. People who tell you something and you just feel it was a significant message. Could be a loved one or a stranger - what is the Universe trying to show you?
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