The truth of this work...

The truth of this work.

Four of the key things I teach and mentor on are:

Following soul
Being deeply connected to something greater than you
Prioritising self leadership
Activating deep trust and power

The question is, if I am not embodying this in my life, how can I expect others to?

I can talk about it but if I am not living it then it’s not got the depth, the power. It is not truly alive.

And I am not just talking about when it’s good, those embodiments feel easy then.

What about when it feels hard and uncertain?

This is the making of us.

Can you lean back into your key beliefs, teachings, principles of your brand and have total trust they will hold you?

Can you be an example of living by everything you believe in so others can do the same?

Even when it’s hard, perhaps especially when it’s hard.

Are your beliefs conditional, fine if things are good but opted out of or diluted when it all gets tricky?

I’ve been thrown a couple of hurdles this week and as I walked this morning I heard the voice.

Come back to an even deeper embodiment of what you teach.

Lean even further into being:

Led by soul
Connected deeply

That is the truth of this work.

Through this way of living we can show others what is truly possible.

Caroline Britton