The significance of this photo

When I look at the picture above I see a different version of me from the one six years ago.

I see the woman who guided me all those years ago.

This picture shows me the woman who has lead over the last six years.

Who coaxed me out from hiding when I was terrified of being visible.

Who held the strength so I could leave my corporate job.

Who frequently reminded me of the importance of upgrading my values, boundaries, self worth and beliefs.

Who reassured me in was safe to own, use and shine in my psychic abilities.

Who held me up when things went wrong.

Who taught me the importance of feeling worthy, held and true to myself.

In this photo I see the woman I am now.

I see and feel a woman in her power.

She's held me responsible to a lot of internal work to get to this point.

Day by day I have become her.

This is your reminder that a future version of you is leading you every day.

Through nudges, feelings and a knowing.

Your power gets to be felt through your becoming.

It doesn't have to be proved.

Power is an extension of who we choose to be and how we choose to view ourselves.

Remember that.

Caroline Britton