The fullness of you

Asking yourself about how you can step more fully into you is so powerful.

Because so many of us are shedding at the moment.

Shedding old layers, stories, ways of doing things, situations that take us away from who we are.

So many of us are feeling it in our body, in our nervous system, in our energy fields that even if things may have worked for us in the past - they no longer do and it is time to let go.

This can bring up a lot of uncertainty and fear as our ego craves certainty and familiarity.

It’s funny how even when we know things are not serving us anymore we feel terrified to let go, how our mind tricks us that ‘not great’ is better than ‘not seen.’

Remember this.

Change requires faith.

Faith precedes what we can see.

What we eventually see is a result of what we believed.

There is so much that lies on the other side of following what brings us joy, where our heart wants to go.

Of listening to our body, to slowness, to silence.

Of detaching from outcomes and instead saying how in this moment can I fully be honouring all of me.

Even if that doesn’t make sense.

Especially if that doesn’t make sense.

Caroline Britton