The bumps and the bruises of the year
There have been bumps and bruises this year.
Quite honestly, there are bumps and bruises each year.
I see these as part of my growth and I encourage you to do the same.
These bumps and bruises are a sign to me that I am doing something right.
These have come as part of my growth, because of the moves I have made, because of who I have chosen to be.
Because I have moved.
And that is what this is about for me.
My business is about the movement, the growth, the adventure of all of this.
I see life this way, like an adventurous playground where I am not sure what I will get next but holding it all is a trust that it gets to be more magical than I ever dreamed was possible.
And any scrapes that my business has bought me?
They add even more colour, texture and excitement to the story of my life I am creating.