Part 2: The movement, the mayhem and the magic as we journey to multiple 7 figures

Welcome to part 2 as I take you behind the scenes in my business and journey to creating multiple 7 figures.

The movement - things we have been doing

⭐ Starting to develop our archetype quiz so that you can discover your powerful archetype and how to turn it into a superpower.
⭐ Creating even more value with My Intuitive Coaching Academy by extending support to 12 months + including 6 LIVE calls with me.
⭐ Redoing my website so that there is a clearer customer journey and a more simple layout for our offerings.
⭐ Focusing on more frequent offers at different price points for my audience.

The mayhem

⭐ Holding the faith that the significant investments I am doing in strategy and the technology side is right. ⭐Best tip here - be very clear on the big vision and check in with whether the guidance you are getting feels expansive and your body is saying yes go that way. Recognise the fear will creep in but stay true to your vision + gut feel. Lock in that "everything is working out more magically than you dreamed was possible."
⭐ Knowing what to delegate - I can't do this all alone so I am relying on my team and letting them work it out. It is important I give them the autonomy to learn. Also learning to keep people in the loop - as a manifestor I can tend to leap ahead and not inform people.
⭐ Navigating the fear that it is right to stop things in my business that no longer feel aligned and start new things. My ego says it is foolish but I've been through this enough to know that at multiple 7 figures it is going to require different things than the current business model. My job is to recognise what they are and to get into action whilst having the balance of taking consistent action on what we know always does work.

The magic

⭐ There has been a lot of it this last week!
⭐ An impromptu meeting where I ended up having a coffee with 2 previous Man United footballers, a man with an incredible idea to change the face of premier footballer support and a famous boy band member.
⭐ What is more, before walking into the meeting I had turned to my friend who I am doing an amazing collaboration with and said "I asked the Universe for a sign of a Golden Eagle this morning." Two minutes later I notice the famous singer has one on his top. And yes I did tell him!
⭐ Opportunities to work with high profile clients coming from all over!

So what are my top learnings today around creating movement in your business:

🔑 Get clear on what your big dream is. It should scare you slightly. Then ask yourself if my business could look anyway what would be the dreamiest version?
🔑 Ask yourself if you knew the next level of success was possible, what would you say yes to, no to and keep doing?
🔑 Notice where you are leaking energy. Ask yourself where you are concentrating your energy on fear rather than opportunity? Then switch it
🔑 Look for opportunity everywhere. It is all around you. When you see a block, ask yourself how could I view this from a place of opportunity instead? Because you are that powerful.
🔑 Create discipline with the way you run your day. Stop dithering. Take decisive action.
🔑 Show up as your next level self. Be brave, go first, take risks, commit to action, get support. Connect with the feeling you can create anything and anchor in the trust that it is all working.

For those who want to create movement, navigate through mayhem and call in the magic then I have some offers to work with me:

✨ My Inner Circle, 121 Private mentoring access to me - to apply click here
The Soul + Magic Intuitive Coaching Academy. From £333 per month
✨ A one off very special offer of 6 weeks of 121 work with me to fast track your growth - email me for more information or message me on Instagram

Caroline Britton