Never forget how far you can come
Never forget how far you can come.
The first photo shoot I did for my Coaching boxes - I wasn’t actually in it. I had a friend do it.
The first big speaking event I did - I took homeopathic remedies to calm me down.
The first time I decided to charge for a coaching session, it took a one hour chat with my Dad to get me to £50.
The first program I did, I felt sick when I charged my first 4 figures.
The first 6 months I had no instagram presence. It then it took me another 6 months to post a picture of me.
The first time I went to ask about a mortgage for my dream house, they said no chance and that I needed to wait another two years.
The first time I taught a program I spent weeks writing slides.
The first year of the business I invested more in growth than I made.
The thing is.
We get better.
We learn. We fail. We leap. We stall.
We feel afraid. We think we can’t do it.
We do. We go bigger.
We want to shrink smaller. We get back up again.
We doubt. We trust. We hesitate. We leap.
And then we remind ourselves of this.
Every part of the journey is going to have ups and downs.
Every part of this journey is going to have firsts. The firsts will get bigger.
You will get better and braver and you will grow.
The key thing to remember is that what you do now, what firsts you experience now, are paving the way for the next level.
The next milestone.
The next miracle.