My pledge...
Our vibration, our energy, who we choose to be accounts for everything.
What I’ve realised is that the way in which I get to have most impact for my audience, my clients and the world is to fully own and model what I want others to.
That the way I choose to show up will dictate the way that those around me show up.
That I activate others through an activation of myself.
The more I stand in my power, the more I believe in the extraordinary, the more I receive, the more I connect, the more comfortable I become with being a wealthy woman... then the more I am paving the way for others to do the same.
Then the ripple effect begins. Those people go on to inspire others. It’s like a domino effect that is caused by the power that emanates from me in each moment.
And it’s when I am prepared to stop buying into the beliefs that I need to be more of something to allow that big thing to come in, that I allow others to do the same.
When I give myself permission to have all that I desire just because. Because of course I was always worthy. Because of course I came here for the magic. Because of course I can have anything I choose.
Then I pave the way for each and everyone of you to do the same.
And that is my pledge going forwards.
✨ I am here for the miraculous.
✨ I am here for the mind blowing service to millions and millions.
✨ I am here for the extraordinary life.
✨ I am here for the wealth.
✨ I am here for the magic.
✨ I am here to defy logic.
And this last week I choose that fully. I choose to activate that power within me.
Because that is the best act of service I can do for all of you.
All of you who know me, who’ve just found me or who will find me.
I do this to show you what’s possible.