Lesson 1 From Necker Island: The Entrepreneurs
As many of you know I have just returned from a trip to Necker Island with Richard Branson and a group of amazing female entrepreneurs.
I am still in the integration phase and have so much to share. It’s truly changed me.
It felt important to make sure that I am paying this trip forward so I wanted to create a series of lessons from my experiences, focusing on different learnings.
Today, it’s all around the themes I noticed by being surrounded with successful women and what they often had in common.
Here are my learnings in the hope it inspires you:
⭐ The way these women view the world through the lens of possibility. Most importantly a belief that one person can make a difference in infinite amounts of ways. Every woman in that room was connected to a greater mission, their why, and has spent significant amounts of time considering what legacy they would like to create.
⭐ That there is no absence of fear at any level, with each new edge comes new resistance. They would all lean into it and were very self-aware around what was coming upon for them.
⭐ There was a willingness to be totally vulnerable and to be seen. They weren’t up for hiding or having bravado, they spoke with honestly and with great openness. They didn't feel the need for everything to be figured out and there was a sense of deep trust that things would work out.
⭐ They all had the ability to hold space at a high level. The space I had held for me by these women was like never before. They were finally attuned to listening with total presence and to seeing beyond the limits someone presented. They wanted to help and were immensely generous in offering their gifts and time.
⭐ Their love for life - play, connection and joy was a priority for each of these women. I was completely inspired by each of their capacity to live life to the fullest. There was a deep desire to soak in every moment of life and a great gratitude for where life had taken them, even when it felt hard.
⭐ They each knew they had overcome hurdles before and were able to sit with the hard stuff coming up. They all had an ability to be radically honest with themselves and to take total responsibility for moving forwards.
⭐ The total dedication and commitment to the inner work, in every area of their lives. Every single one of us looked at hard stuff and allowed ourselves to be held as we did. Each person has a daily commitment to their evolution.
⭐ A willingness to change, pivot, grow, shed and step up in their business. No matter what. I was blown away by the level of responsibility each person took for themselves.
⭐ A generosity of giving. These women give - to each other, the world around them, their clients. They truly care about leaving the world a better place.
⭐ Lastly, a deep found gratitude for all of it. The bumps, the scrapes, the highs, the experiences, the life they are living. There was an extraordinary sense of awe for the experience we had and a desire to make sure we used this experience for the good of all.
There is so much more I want to share about my lessons from…
The Land itself
Spending so much time with Richard and the way he views the world
The work I did on myself