If you want change, start by looking within

Three years ago I was struggling, in all senses of the word. I was in a job which was zapping me of any confidence, I was working 8 - 6:30 p.m. and was spending nearly all my salary on childcare. I was disconnected from myself and I was always busy.

Busy being busy.

My head was full of thoughts about how stuck I was, how much I was disappointed in myself, how much I had let myself down. To be honest, I was unravelling.

I had anxiety around going on conference calls, I was hugely lacking in confidence, there were tears as another pay rise passed me by, guilt around my kids and a feeling of exasperation that I could never get my salary up to where I wanted it to be. I felt I had little options but to stay and settle for a career that I had worked so hard for.

Now fast forward three years and things look totally different - everything from my day to day life, bank balance, contentment levels and my relationships are completely different.

I say this is to offer up the meaning behind what I think is the way to really change your life. To get you all to see that real change is possible and you can be, do or have anything you want but you ALWAYS have to start with the inner work. There is no short cut for this, no easy pass.

This is THE MOST important thing you must know if you are looking to change your life. You must first navigate through your internal world.

This is the thing that people don’t always tell you. This is the secret that sits behind these seemingly overnight success stories, this is what sits behind the money, success, freedom.

We so want to change the way things look externally - more money, more success, more time with the kids, more happiness, more validation but it is always done from the inside out.

And the internal work is hard. It can be slow, frustrating, repetitive. We have spent years of our life being conditioned by society, our parents, our teachers, our peers. We have spent years applying labels to the way we view ourselves, money, successful people, rich people and to strip that all away hurts. In fact it can feel like free falling.

These self-limiting beliefs about why you can’t do what you want are not true - its a reality you have created to protect yourself. Those fears about money, not being successful at going after a new venture, all the reasons you can’t - they are just lies you tell yourself. It’s simply not true - there are always ways. It’s just we know, our ego knows, that the real way forwards is to look within and it takes a lot of bravery to do that.

So, what about you? How much do you want that change? To live the life you really want? To set up that business?

If you want it enough then you will look within.

I promise you, inside holds ALL the power.

Caroline Britton