How to turn feeling lost into a catalyst for bringing the new in....
We've all had those times where we feel lost.
Where we cannot seem to find our way.
Where we know we want to move forwards but cannot see the way to do so.
It often comes off the back of big changes or significant periods of pressure or hardship in our life.
As hard as these times might feel, they are also one of the most potent times for transformation.
In order for the new to come in, things must leave.
We fear the leaving of things but what if this is purely making way for something more true and beautiful to come in it's place?
What if the things that you feel have been taken away are making way for things to come in that are even better than you imagined?
When you are in a period of feeling lost you can use the mantra "I surrender to whatever wants to pass and whatever wants to come through. I know and trust that The Universe is always working in my favour. Universe show me how good this gets to be"
Periods of feeling lost can be the catalyst for expansion.
A time to audit what is and is not working in your life.
A time to vision what you actually want.
A time to reflect on the lessons learnt.
A time to sow seeds.
A time to command the way things now get to be.
Today, on 8:8, is a powerful day for manifesting.
Ask yourself... where do I want to find myself in a year's time? How good am I willing to let this be? What new things do I want to call in?
What do I finally need to let go of to fully step into my new chapter?
Then ask for the wisdom, trust, bravery, love, support and protection to guide you there.
You are always heard.