How I am experiencing this current upgrade

The joys of what I call an upgrade.

At the beginning of March I declared that my energy of the month is Magnetism.

That I am ready for the next level which I’ve felt is being shown this April.

24 hours later, my voice goes. My head aches. My throat hurts.

I feel like the energy is coming into me sideways through my masculine.

My right ear, on my masculine starts clearing and ringing.

My period starts with The New Moon.

It basically all starts happening.

Then the next level comes today.


Feeling lost.

Knowing and sensing with all my being that it’s big but unable to fully grasp what it is.

Fear and ego pushing to move forwards on creating.

But not knowing what this creation is.

Tears. Annoyance. Resistance.

All through my body.

These feelings are familiar to me.

I believe it’s what I call my upgrade.

Where old coding leaves.

New coding appears.

Like a computer having her software upgraded.

In these moments the best thing we can do is trust and go with it.

Understand that this is a part of what we asked for.

Even if this feels far away from the Magnetism I called in.

There are no coincidences.

So we trust this is our preparation ground.

I will keep you posted.

Caroline Britton