Are you avoiding taking action?

Sometimes you've got to just make the move, push the button, take the action.

Sometimes we have to get to a point where we say

Now is the time
I am all in
And leap

I understand the scary nature of this because I've been through it at many, many points along my journey.

The thing is when we take action from this place, we have a power, a certainty, a magnetism about us.

When you declare "I go all in on me" it has a resonance.

The key thing is that once that action is taken, you keep making your moves when they are shown.

You keep showing up with that belief that everything you've asked for is yours. That you were absolutely right to back yourself. That EVERYTHING is working in your favour.

Now likely your ego wants to ask me, but what if it goes wrong?

What if I invest and it doesn't work?

What if I make the wrong move?

What if I am not clear on what that move is?

My recommended response is this to the ego.

Thank you ego but I know myself. I know my power. I know my capabilities.

I won't be tricked into procrastination and inactivity based on a part of me that fears I am not enough.

Instead I choose me. My gut. My ability to go beyond.

Every time.

Now kindly step aside and let me get on with what I came here to do.

Caroline Britton