A magical story from my first workshop

Several years ago I had written in my journal I wanted to buy our dream house.

At the time I had decided the how was through a series of promotions in my corporate job.

I had it all figured out.

The only thing was the Universe didn’t seem to be playing.

Everything went wrong when it came to a promotion.

Managers leaving.

Missed paperwork.

Bad timing.

As I pushed harder, my body caved in.

I was signed off from work.

As I rested and nurtured myself, I decided to run a workshop.

I was going to interview, along with a friend, women doing extraordinary things.

It was a gut feel to do it.

I had no business. No plan. No consideration of how this led to anything else.

It was just a hunch.

On the night I got to the workshop I stood in the venue alone.

A man who owned the restaurant next door popped in and bought me some glasses.

I was grateful and thought nothing of it.

Three years later he was the very man who bought our house, facilitating the move to our dream house.

The Universe sent him to me that night as a sign of what was to come.

If you had told me that the house would come through the business of my dreams and through that man who walked in that day, I would never have believed you.

It’s funny how things work.

In fact it’s magic.

Trust you’ve been heard.

Trust it gets to happen in the most divine way.

Trust that you will look back one day and marvel at the signs and syncronicities you were given.

Caroline Britton